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And I tell you, all of you shall be saved… for the Church renews and calls to a burning faith… when her children draw close to the sheepfold of my Divine son… to nourish themselves with his Mystical Body… and daughter, today many shall be nourished…! Today there is a Feast of angels in the whole world, and here in my Promised Land I come to call mankind to reconcile with their brothers..! I come to bestow peace upon the world and calmness to the people and nations..! I come to reign in the heart of the most humble… and I come to soften the proudest and the most arrogant… so they may amend their actions… all accompanying me..!

June 21, 1987 4:30 p.m.
Little children the hour is soon approaching… and you will feel from within, that wonderful something, which communicates to the soul the quality of discernment of his presence among you!  Little children, withdraw into silence… this is, and shall be the miracle of your own lives… see clearly and determine what is happening around you, in order to be in peace. And henceforth, live to bear witness and proclaim, in each hour of the day, the miracle of your own existence with a heart which beats with the Heart of my Divine Son, Jesus!

Yes, little children, for you shall feel his breath, his warmth, his presence; and heaven and earth shall sing together! Now, wait serenely with the key that opens the gate of salvation, and quietly say, “Lord, Jesus, we are waiting for You, for You have promised to come.. and God’s promises cannot be disregarded; and we are here to hold You, love You and always live by your side with your Mother..!

Little children, give pause… the Lord repeats to you, “He who eats my Body and drinks my Blood shall be safe and sound, entering to dwell forever in the House of my Father! You are here to learn, and I fully enter into your hearts to model them and make them worthy of this, my Mystical Body..!

July 6, 1987 11:30 a.m.
My little children, reaffirm your trust in the adorable Heart of my Jesus, who is in love with the delights of his Father! Lean on the promises of the Lord who hears the prayers of his children, and whose mercy reaffirms all forever! Do not worry, for priestly and religious vocations shall multiply. Apostles of my Heart… fill yourselves with gratitude… for all shall taste love and wisdom… since the Holy Spirit shall enlighten each one of you in these apocalyptic times with his divine grace, sustaining all with bountiful fruits and divine rain!

Children, do not stop wearing my miraculous medal to cover yourselves, in order to be protected… also distribute it generously so sinners may be converted, the sick may be healed and the moral values of the world of today may be reestablished!

February 16, 1989 4:00 p.m.
My little daughter, my little children, here I am..! Living among you! My little children, my Heart beats with heavenly delights as I gaze at each one of your faces, which come to find the hope of better days, to solidify your steps on the road that leads to Mount Zion. My fountain of the waters of Betania shall restore your souls to new life that will bring you to lead the life of an apostle, that is to say, of service, devoted to a mission of love, which shall reaffirm your trust in the light of the New Dawn of my Divine Jesus!

He, my Beloved Son, wishes for all of you to live cradled in this motherly Heart, with the charisma and graces of the Holy Spirit. In this way, my children may hold hands based on the commandment, love one another! It is the only truth that can save mankind form a war among brothers, that is to say, in these times, all should resort to the charitable harvest of good deeds, which is the identification of love and truth of the People of God who are longing for social justice… because as long as unity does not come forth, you shall lead a life of anguish, grief, shadows and sorrow. Behold, little children, the love of a Mother who cherishes you and comes as a starting point to lead you toward a law of justice, love, peace and reconciliation!

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