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A vision of the profanation of the Holy Sacraments

On January 20, 1610, Our Lady appeared to her again and said, among other things: “Know that from the end of the 19th century, especially in the 20th century, passions will explode and there will be a complete corruption of morals, because Satan will reign almost completely through the Masonic sects. To do this, they will especially focus on children. Woe to the children of those times! It will be difficult to receive the sacraments of Baptism and Confirmation. Using those in power, the devil will try to destroy the sacrament of confession (…) The same will be with Holy Communion. Unfortunately! How much it saddens Me to reveal to you so many and terrible sacrilege – both public and secret – committed for the profanation of the Holy Eucharist! During these times Christ’s enemies, encouraged by the devil, will often steal consecrated hosts from the churches to defile the Eucharistic figures. My Holy Son sees Himself thrown to the ground and trampled underfoot by unclean feet ”. The Holy Mother goes on to say about the neglect of the sacrament of the last anointing, as a result of which many souls will be deprived of consolation and graces at the decisive moment of death. “The sacrament of marriage, symbolizing the union of Christ with his Church, will be the object of attacks and profanation in the strictest sense of the word. Freemasonry, which will then rule, will introduce unjust laws aimed at destroying this sacrament, and thus facilitate everyone’s life in a state of sin, and will increase the number of children born in illegal relationships, not included in the Church. The Christian spirit will quickly fall, the precious light of Faith will be extinguished to such an extent that there will be almost complete corruption of morals. The effects of secularized education will accumulate, causing, among other things, scarcity of priestly and religious vocations.

The sacrament of the priesthood will be ridiculed, scorned and scorned. The devil will persecute the Lord’s ministers in every way possible. It will act with cruel and subtle cunning, dissuading them from the spirit of calling and seducing many. These depraved priests, who will stumble the Christian people, will arouse hatred of evil Christians and enemies of the Roman Catholic and Apostolic Church who will turn against all priests. This apparent triumph of Satan will bring immense suffering to the good shepherds of the Church.

Moreover, in those unfortunate times, there will be an unrestrained flood of impurity which, driving the rest of people into sin, will drag countless reckless souls to eternal damnation. You will not find innocence in children, and modesty in women. In those moments of greatest need of the Church, those who are to speak will remain silent! ” At the end, Our Lady again ordered figures to be made in her honor.

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