Our Lady
of Pilar

The Basilica del Pilar, in Zaragoza, Spain is currently one of the most important Marian sanctuaries in the world and receives continuous pilgrimages.

On the night of January 2, 40, Santiago was with his disciples by the river Ebro when "he heard voices of angels singing Ave Maria, Gratia Plena and saw the Virgin Mother of Christ appear, standing on a pillar of marble". The Blessed Virgin, who still lived in mortal flesh, asked the Apostle to build a church for her there, with the altar around the pillar where she stood and promised that "this site will remain until the end of time so that the virtue of God works wonders and wonders through my intercession with those who in their needs implore my patronage ". The Virgin disappeared and the pillar remained there. The Apostle Santiago and the eight witnesses of the prodigy immediately began to build a church on that site and, before the Church was finished, Santiago ordained one of his disciples to serve as a priest, consecrated it and gave it the title of Santa María del Pilar, before returning to Judea. This was the first church dedicated to the Blessed Virgin.

Liturgical veneration approved 1730.