Our Lady
of Medjugorje

25 February 2019
“Dear children! Today, I am calling you to a new life. It is not important how old you are, open your heart to Jesus who will transform you in this time of grace and, like nature, you will be born into a new life in God’s love, and you will open your heart to Heaven and the things of Heaven. I am still with you, because God permitted me out of love for you. Thank you for having responded to my call.”

25 January 2019
“Dear children! Today, as a mother, I am calling you to conversion. This time is for you, little children, a time of silence and prayer. Therefore, in the warmth of your heart, may a grain of hope and faith grow and you, little children, will from day to day feel the need to pray more. Your life will become orderly and responsible. You will comprehend, little children, that you are passing here on earth and you will feel the need to be closer to God, and with love you will witness the experience of your encounter with God, which you will share with others. I am with you and am praying for you but I cannot without your ‘yes’. Thank you for having responded to my call.”

June 24, 1981 the feast of St. John the Baptist, when six kids between 12 and 20 years are walking on Mount Crnica (today called the Apparition Hill) and in a stony area called Podbrdo they see in the sky a evanescent figure of a beautiful and luminous young woman with a child in her arms. The six young people are Ivanka Ivanković (15), Mirjana Dragićević (16), Vicka Ivanković (16), Ivan Dragićević (16), 4 of the 6 current visionaries, plus Ivan Ivanković (20) and Milka Pavlović (12 years). They immediately understand that the figure is the Virgin Mary, even if the apparition does not speak and only makes the sign to approach her, but they are very scared and run away.

Mirjana Dragicevic-Soldo had daily apparitions from June 24, 1981 to December 25, 1982. On that day, Our Lady told her:

"Mirjana, I chose you, and I told you everything that is necessary. I entrusted you with the knowledge of many abominations, which you must carry with dignity. Think of me, and how much I too shed tears because of this. You must always be brave. You quickly understood my messages, and so you must understand that now I must leave. Be brave... !"

Entrusting to her the tenth secret, Our Lady told her that for the rest of her life she would have one yearly apparition, on March 18th.

The apparition lasted ten minutes. After it, Mirjana, all in tears, withdrew to her room. Here is what she said about her meeting with Our Lady.

"I prayed the Our Father and the Glory be with our Lady three times. The first one was for unbelievers, especially for those who have not experienced God's love. The second was for the souls in purgatory and the third for the intentions of those who were present at the apparition. Our Lady blessed all those present and also all the religious articles. Our Lady was not happy during the apparition as she has been known to be during past apparitions for my birthday. She talked to me about the secrets but I cannot say anything about that."

In answer to questions why Mirjana cried and if Our Lady give any message, the visionary answered:

"It is hard for me when Our Lady goes away. The meeting with Our Lady is a fulfilment of everything. I feel completed. But when she leaves, I realize that I'm here, on earth, that I'm going on without her as if I were forsaken even though I know I am not. It is really hard, so hard…

In the message, Our Lady spoke about the love that we need. Her wish is that people love one another because God is love and if we love God, we will love one another. I understand this message as one of consolation and that we don't have to fear anything if we have love.”

And this was Our Lady's message:

"Dear children! Already for many years as a Mother, I have been teaching you faith and God's love. You have not shown gratitude to the dear Father nor have you given him glory. You have become empty and your heart has become hard and without love toward your neighbours' sufferings. I am teaching you love and showing you that the dear Father loved you but you have not loved him. He sacrificed his Son for your salvation, my children. As long as you do not love, you will not know your Father's love. You won't get to know him because God is love. Love and don't be afraid, my children, because there is no fear in love. If your hearts are open to the Father and if they are full of love toward him, then why any fear of what is to come? Those who are afraid are the ones who do not love because they are waiting for punishments and because they know how empty and hard they are. Children, I am leading you to love, to the dear Father. I am leading you to eternal life. Eternal life is my Son. Receive him and you have received love."

This year also the visionary Mirjana Dragicevic-Soldo had her apparition on March 18. After the apparition, Mirjana transmitted Our Lady's message:

"Dear children! On this message, which I give you today through my servant, I desire for you to reflect a long time. My children, great is the love of God. Do not close your eyes, do not close your ears, while I repeat to you: Great is his love! Hear my call and my supplication, which I direct to you. Consecrate your heart and make in it the home of the Lord. May he dwell in it forever. My eyes and my heart will be here, even when I will no longer appear. Act in everything as I ask you and lead you to the Lord. Do not reject from yourself the name of God, that you may not be rejected. Accept my messages that you may be accepted. Decide, my children, it is the time of decision. Be of just and innocent heart that I may lead you to your Father, for this that I am here, is his great love. Thank you for being here!"

The apparition was at 1:50 PM and lasted six minutes. Our Lady did not speak about the secrets, but gave the following message: